3 Signs Your Microwave Is In Trouble

For many, the microwave is an imperative part of their home and family's needs. Whether used for defrosting meat before dinner, cooking rice, or heating up a microwavable burrito, this appliance will go through a great deal of abuse over time. Unfortunately, it is not meant to last forever. On average, you can expect your microwave to last around nine years. Knowing the signs this appliance is in distress will help you troubleshoot issues that may require a repair or complete replacement. Here are a few common problems you may experience with your microwave.

1. Insufficient Heating

Obviously, if your microwave is not heating up what you are defrosting or cooking, there is an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. After a few seconds of running, you should fee heat inside the appliance and whatever you are cooking should be warm to the touch. Insufficient heating may stem from a variety of issues. In most cases, the problem is occurring because of a faulty heating element or capacitator. Because there is a risk of electrical shock, you should never remove any control covers to attempt repairs on your own. It is best to consult a professional who has experience repairing microwaves.

2. Sparking

Actual sparks inside your microwave, while it is running, are a definite sign of distress. Without diagnosing and repairing the cause of this issue, the sparks can lead to a fire that will be dangerous for you and your home. If you notice sparking, stop the microwave immediately. Disconnect power to the appliance by unplugging it, as well.

After disconnecting it, check the interior for any signs of metal or foil fragments that may have been left behind from microwavable snacks or meals. Check the interior of the microwave for any signs of chipped paint, which may also cause the sparking. If the sparking is coming from the inside components, your microwave's magnetron is probably defective. This element is what allows the microwave to heat up, so you may also notice the appliance is not heating as well as it did in the past.

3. Buzzing Sound

All appliances make some noise while they are in operation. However, a loud buzzing sound coming from your microwave may indicate a problem. If the magnetron is wearing down, radiation will not emit through the microwave effectively. This results in a loud buzzing sound when the appliance is trying to heat up. A microwave is the least expensive appliance you may need to purchase, but replacing it is not always necessary. If you are noticing one or more of these signs, repairing your microwave can be a more affordable option.

For more information, contact your local microwave repair service. 

449 Words

About Me

Getting Targeted Appliance Help It's never easy to admit that you could use a little help with your home appliances, especially if you know that you caused part of the problem. I was left dealing with a problem with my garbage disposal a few years ago, and I realized that it had to do with the fact that I put just about everything I could think of down the drain instead of using the trashcan. I began working hard to talk with different professionals about how to fix things, and it was super fun to learn about the ways we could change the appliances I had. Now all of my appliances work great, and I made a blog about how to make things better.



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